
Create a PowerPoint Handout in Word

Work smarter, not harder! PowerPoint tip – Create a PowerPoint handout in Word. As a PowerPoint presenter, we often distribute handouts to our audience to use during the presentation for reading or note-taking. PowerPoint offers some options for printing the handouts including the option to send them to Word! Using the Word option, we have additional layouts and all of Word’s formatting tools.

  1. On the “File” tab, choose Save & Send.
  2. In the “File types” area, choose Create Handouts.
  3. Click the Create Handouts button. The “Send to Microsoft Word” dialog box appears.
  4. Choose the desired page layout.
  5. Choose Paste or Paste link.
  6. Choose OK. Word opens and creates a file that can be used as handouts.
  7. Modify the document as desired (i.e. add headers, footers, page numbering, etc.)

Watch the video below to find out how to create PowerPoint handouts in Word.

If you need help or information about the tip, contact us and we’ll be happy to go over it with you.