Course Length
Three hours
Word 2016 Introduction or equivalent experience
Course Description
This class introduces users to special features used when more than one person works on a file. Learn to use comments, keep track of changes to a document, accept or reject suggested changes, compare and combine documents, and protect a document from unauthorized changes.
Course Topics
- Highlight text
- Specify user name and initials
- Customize the Status Bar to display Track Changes
- Turn track changes on and off
- Insert marked revisions
- Insert and delete a comment
- Display the reviewing pane
- Change the current view
- Change the display of tracked changes
- View the details of a change
- Print tracked changes and comments
- Accept or reject tracked changes
- Specify the type of markup changes to display
- Accept or reject all changes displayed
- Accept or reject a change using the reviewing pane
- Change privacy options for documents
- Change tracking options
- Compare two documents using legal blackline
- Combine revisions from multiple authors
- Encrypt a document and require a password to open
- Require a password to modify
- Open a file with read-only recommended
- Apply formatting restrictions
- Restrict document editing
- Modify balloon text style
- Assign shortcut keys
- Troubleshoot tracked changes
What Participants Receive
Each participant receives a guide containing step-by-step instructions.